Fantasy Fun Stuff

Fantasy Fun Stuff

Active leagues

12 Angry Men (basketball)

Basketball Ranch League (basketball)

Caspian League (basketball)

Everlasting Summer League (basketball)

Grand Keepers Liga (hockey)

happy fantasy (basketball)

One Way Ticket (basketball)

Russian Wild Hogs (basketball)

Russian Wild Hogs (hockey)

Sports Brothers (basketball)

Sports Couples (basketball)

SuhAryan League (hockey)

We Are All Rookies (hockey)

Лига Дикпиков (basketball)

Past leagues

5.10 (basketball)

James Posey's league (basketball)

Oxygen Hockey League (hockey)

Renaissance (basketball)

RWH - Div 2-1 (basketball)

WE HAWT League (basketball)


Tool to visualize different stats based on fantasy results.
Authors: Andrei Klitsunou.
Special thanks to Alexander Nikolaev (for points) and Sergei Novgorodcev (for categories).


I think those drunk photos are enough. 😏
So everyone who wanted to buy me a glass of beer (or other alcohol drink),
can help in maintainting my health (or in improving my English).
Use YooMoney account 4100 1160 5781 2582 card number.
Or my wife will take all the money, because I spend too much time doing that formoshlep stuff. 😥